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dow afb造句

  • In the early 1950s, Dow AFB was expanded and rebuilt.
  • In 1968, Dow AFB was closed as an active duty Air Force installation.
  • Dow AFB was activated on 1 January 1951.
  • The 20th flew their F-84Ds from Shaw AFB to Dow AFB, Maine.
  • Was reassigned to Dow AFB, Maine by SAC to disperse its heavy bomber force.
  • These interceptors were based at the 26th NORAD Region bases at Loring AFB and Dow AFB, Maine.
  • After organizing and training at Castle Air Force Base, California it moved to Dow AFB, Maine.
  • The uninjured crew of moderately damaged aircraft 57-378 makes an emergency landing at Dow AFB, Maine.
  • In November 1952, jurisdiction of Dow AFB was officially transferred from ADC to Strategic Air Command ( SAC ).
  • As of 31 December 1961 it was stationed at Dow AFB, Maine, and assigned to the Bangor Air Defense Sector, 26th Air Division.
  • It's difficult to see dow afb in a sentence. 用dow afb造句挺难的
  • At Dow AFB a message was received to remove personal baggage from the . 50 cal . ammunition compartments so that live ammunition could be loaded.
  • Dow AFB officially closed and the " keys " to the major portions of the base were passed to the City of Bangor on 1 April 1968.
  • A second " G " squadron, the 596th Bomb Squadron was reassigned to Barksdale in April 1968 from the 397th Bombardment Wing at Dow AFB, Maine.
  • It had been scheduled to rendezvous with a KC-97 Stratotanker of the 341st Air Refueling Squadron, out of Dow AFB, Maine, when it exploded.
  • With the inactivation of Dow AFB in 1968, most of the base was purchased by the city of Bangor and reopened the following year as Bangor International Airport.
  • ;1 April : Tip tank of Dow AFB-based Republic F-84B Thunderjet comes off during Lewiston, Maine parade flyover and hits Lewiston Public Works Garage.
  • On 9 September 1952, Military Air Transport Service Atlantic Division at Westover AFB activated 83d Air Transport Squadron ( 1600th Air Transport Wing ) to Dow AFB as a tenant unit.
  • The portion of Dow AFB not turned over to the city became the basis for the current Air National Guard Base and the Maine Army National Guard's Army Aviation Support Facility.
  • Beginning in 1955, the squadron stood 24 / 7 / 365 runway alert at Dow AFB ready to respond to aircraft not readily identifiable by radar or pre-filed flight plans.
  • That portion of Dow AFB not turned over to the city became the basis for the current Air National Guard Base and the Maine Army National Guard's Army Aviation Support Facility.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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